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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saving Marja

To the Editor:

A military operation is going to take place "soon," which involves the American and Afghan military attempting to rid Marja, Afghanistan of the Taliban. There were no specifics on how this was going to take place, but many villagers and elders in the town fear for the safety of the local people. The Taliban warned the people to stay in their houses and to leave the city; they have buried many mines in the roads and footpaths. I would like to know why there is a planned battle, when it seems that the Taliban are in a constant battle; The Taliban are not likely to surrender. Because both sides of this dilemma believe they are doing the right thing, fighting does not seem to be the best answer, but unfortunately, nobody has come up with an alternative. Many of the villagers do not believe the Taliban will leave for good, but that they will eventually come back.

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