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Thursday, February 25, 2010

The "Impossible" Is Possible

RE: A Model of Harmony Is Found in a Flashpoint City for Iraqi Sectarian Fighting (February 23, 2010)
To the editor:
All we often hear in the media are the bad issues coming out of the middle east, but I found one article in Tuesday's paper particularly enlightening. The article talks about Samarra, a city in Iraq once filled with violence and it's dramatic change to now being a peaceful area. This gives me hope that there are good things coming out of this war and it is possible to achieve what many say is impossible. The only question is: can this continue? Is it possible that this area can remain peaceful without American assistance? Their Prime Minister says that their security forces will be able to keep the violence out even after the U.S. withdrawals. They are doing this now without actual military assistance from us, however; they continue to use the U.S. as a "guide" as to what they do. Samarra's forces do almost nothing without advice from the American military. Which, is fine because we are there to help them, but eventually they are going to need to live on their own. We can use this situation as an example as to what will happen to the rest of the middle east that has U.S. forces in it now. When America leaves the Middle East, unfortunatly, there will continue to be massive amounts of violence becuase they do not have our help, if we do not start making them do it themselves now.

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