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Friday, February 26, 2010

History or Home

RE: Mayor’s Housing Offer Sets Off Row in Jerusalem (February 26th 2010)

To the Editor:

When reading this article written by, Ethan Bronner, he describes the current mayor's predicament of what do with the illegal settlements in Al Bustan. The author describes the past conflict between Israelis and Palestinians and how it is still a current event, long lines of mistrust between these two people. The mayor wants to tear down the current houses of Palestinians and rebuild apartments above shops, add parks and boost the tourist economy that visit the city every year. While the mayor says he is trying to be a man of all the people on both sides and all incomes, others are wary to believe in him and his project. Some people who would have to give up their houses are trying not to focus on the history of mistrust, but that the mayor can go home and not worry about someone wanting to tear down his home. While they have that worry every night, so which will they choose? History or Home? This article reminded me of the movie Occupied Minds where we saw the current dispute between Palestinians and Israelis. Even though people in the movie were trying to state how they were accepting of the other side, there were still feelings of an uncomfortable history between them. This is just another view at the level of mistrust still happening in the city.

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