To the editor:
In Al Baker’s article, “Terror Trial Outside Manhattan? Possible But Unlikely,” on January 22, 2010, residence worried about the trial being held in Manhattan. Baker suggested that enhanced security round 1 Police Plaza was a cause of great concern. However, many residents might be worried about the potential degradation that holding a trial against terrorists would create for their community. According to NYC’s list of demographics (, forty-four percent of Manhattan’s residences in 2008 earned $75,000 or more, while only thirty-two percent earned $34,999 and less. Many Manhattan residents enjoy the limited social generosities that come with having money. I would like to ask Manhattan people their reasons for not wanting the trials in Manhattan. Whether it is because the trials risk heightened security or because of racial disparity, the residence should voice out their reasons. Julie Menin, Chairwoman for the Community Board 1, stated her opinion in Al Baker’s article, “Bloomberg Wants Terror Trial Moved” (January 27, 2010), by asking “Why on earth would we have the trial in the heart of the financial district when it has already been attacked twice by terrorists and when our country is on the verge of trying to recover from the economic recession?” However, I cannot comprehend how holding the trial in lower Manhattan could ruin the economy nor do I understand how holding the trials in Manhattan would be more painful to the victims of September 11th. I would speculate that the victims will get justice.